Welcome to the Cascade!

โ„น๏ธ Summary

This lesson is an introduction to Cascading Style Sheets, or what you may know as CSS. As we did for HTML, we’ll learn what CSS is and its role on a webpage. Most importantly, you’ll learn about the CSS Cascade, which is one of the defining features that differentiates CSS from other web languages.

๐ŸŽฏ Learning Objective

The learner knows what the acronym “CSS” stands for and can explain what the CSS Cascade is and how it behaves.

โญ๏ธ At the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Define what CSS is and what each letter in the acronym means
  • Describe what the Cascade is in CSS
  • Select an HTML element with CSS

๐Ÿ’ก Tips for Success

  • CSS is a lot different than HTML. In fact, it’s even written in a different file that’s linked to an HTML document. As you work, remember that HTML is for structure, and CSS is for styling.
  • Brush up on the difference between block and inline elements. We learned about those in HTML, and CSS has a display property that allows us to change a block element to an inline element and vice versa.
  • The Cascade is super confusing, even to seasoned developers. Don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t make sense right away. Instead, pay extra close attention to what the lesson says about it, and be sure to check out the additional resources noted throughout the lesson.
  • Take time to understand how HTML and CSS work together. In CSS, you “select” an element in the HTML by identifying its tag, class, or ID, then apply styles to the element in the CSS file.

Ready to Proceed?

Click “Next” to begin the first lesson in this module.