Let me be the first one to say it: Congratulations!

You completed a rigorous course in beginning web development. Throughout the duration of an entire college semester, you dedicated your time and effort to learning how to write HTML and CSS, and all that work has paid off. Not only do you know how to read and write two new languages, but you understand how to use them in real-world situations that will serve you well in your ongoing career.

You should be extremely proud of your work. Completing this class requires that your skills grow and evolve, and you have most certainly progressed since the first day of class. That’s awesome and I tip my cap to you.

โœ‹ High fives


Next steps…

You have opened many new doors, thanks to your newfound skills. You have a bright future ahead, but if you’re looking for ideas on what next steps you should take in your learning journey, here are a few suggestions.

Build websites!

Like lots of them. Find any excuse you can to write HTML and CSS so that your skills stay sharp and that you continue to grow as a developer. There’s nothing like real-life projects to learn new things.

Stay in the loop.

I find it helpful to subscribe to the blogs of the web developers. It helps introduce me to new ideas, discover things I may have missed, and connect with new people. Here are a few of my favorites:

Find a Job!

I know, that can be easier said than done. But the good news is that front-end web developers who specialize in HTML and CSS are always in demand. Not sure where to look? Here are a few tips and places to check out.

Get your certificate of achievement!

You put a lot of effort into completing this course and I want you to have something to show for it. A downloadable Certificate of Completion has been added to your profile page that you can access by clicking the little certificate icon next to the course title.